I wanted to give you something you could always go to and I can update it forever!! I love you so much sweet girl!
Here are some of my fave moments that I think you will love hehe!
Our Mems🤍✨
These moments make life with you worth living truly my sweet girl!

Golfing together :,)
One of the best days of my life!

George Coffee
I love our place so much!


Concrete :,)
When we started falling in love!

Honestly fell in love with you even more because you’re so good at card games!!

Ill never forget the smile on your face that day it makes me tear up immediately :,)
My Lover :,)
Our Songs
I Love Youuuu!
Well where do I begin
I have known you for a year and it has truly been the best year of my entire life truly. You have taught me the meaning of sacrificial love. You have taught me so much about the Lord through how you love me. It is amazing how I really did know from the time I looked at you and how after spending time with you after our first phone convo I knew I wanted to be with you forever. This year has been challenging but it has been the most incredible year of my life because I met you and i get the most incredible gift of all, i get to love you. I couldn’t imagine my life without you in it, you are the easiest yes that i have ever been given. You are the one i choose always and forever.
Things that I have come to love about you this past year!
- You have shown me you are worth fighting for because of how much you persevere through the hardships you have walked through.
- Loving you is the most fun i have ever had in life it is something i love doing and will gladly do forever.
- You have taught me the most pure form of love and it has been so incredible loving you from afar and being a prayer warrior for you and for the Lord to allow me to still be in your life is the greatest joy and honor of my life.
- Your compassion and love for Gods people is the most admirable thing about you and it makes me want to be like you.
- I realized this year how much of a true helper and partner you are to me and my life how I am so excited that one day you will be my wife.
- The way your whole mood changes when you talk about your students and your love for ministry is everything to me and how you pray is one of the sweetest things on earth.
- Our moments of time we have spent this year have been full of restoration and purity which has been so incredibly sweet of the Lord.
- You and I leveling up in life is SOOO ATTRACTIVE!!!!
- You always remind me of Jesus in everything you do and how you respond to the Lords voice.
- You have shown me what it truly means to be a listener and a leader. You have shown me how to love like Jesus. You have taught me so much of what selfless love looks like. I absolutely adore your heart and who you are.